Welcome to my web-site which is still a work in progress. Feel free to explore and please start at the Home Page link in the header and footer.
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be invited back as a guest artist for SiTara’s Story. This time I auctioned a Bengal Tiger that I had completed for the event. It was an amazing event and again I was blown away by everyone’s generosity.
The artwork (below) was of a Royal Bengal Tiger rendered in charcoal and pastel on paper.
I wanted the Tigress to symbolise Bangladesh and the connection of Sitara’s Story to that country and also to highlight the work they are doing in mental health programs in Bangladesh. I chose the Tigress because the Royal Bengal Tiger is the National animal of Bangladesh and because the power, beauty, strength and determination of the tigress represents the courage and determination needed for the work to empower women and overcome mental health challenges.

A few exciting things that happened in 2023!!
2023 was an amazing year and in December I won the Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Award for Arts and Multimedia (https://www.act.gov.au/open/young-canberra-citizen-of-the-year-award-winners) and a few weeks ago I won an ACT Chief Ministers Inclusion Award for the Emerging Young Leader (http://actinclusion.com.au/winners-2023-act-chief-ministers-inclusion-awards/).
I am honoured and humbled to be recognised in this way and would like to acknowledge all the other amazing groups and individuals that were nominated.
I would also like to thank all those people that have supported me on my journey which has not always been an easy path. Specifically I would like to shout out the Daydream Machine, The With Friends Initiative, and Shift & Co.
Radio interview!!
Thank you UN Youth Envoy and Daydream Machine. Please see link below:

On 13th May 2023 I was lucky enough to attend Sitara’s Story ((2) SiTara’s Story | Facebook) fundraising dinner as part of the Daydream Machine crew ((2) Daydream Machine | Canberra ACT | Facebook). It was an amazing event and my role on the night was to draw a picture which was later auctioned off. I drew a horse and helped auction the drawing. I chose a horse as horses and art have really assisted me in my mental health journey. I was blown away by the generosity of Colin who brought my art work for charity.
A few photo’s of the event are below:
Fearless Films Season 4 Launch
I was lucky enough to work on the Fearless Films Season 4 set and attend a VIP screening. Great films and they were launched online on the 2nd December. Look carefully you will find me in this video! VIP Fearless Film Premiere Launch – Feros Care Local Area Coordination Events – YouTube
Fearless Films Season 4 are brought to you by Feros Care, inclusively made by Ironbark Films, in conjunction with emerging filmmaker students from Bus Stop Films.